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How to Reduce Nurse Burnout

Burnout is a growing concern among nurses, physicians, first responders and other professionals in the healthcare sector . Nurse burnout is characterized by physical, mental and emotional exhaustion caused by the demands of the job. It often results from a combination of long shifts, high patient-to-nurse ratios, nurse shortages, lack of sleep and compassion fatigue. Nurse burnout affects morale and productivity since it often involves fatigue, feeling unappreciated and dreading the idea of going to work. In addition to negatively impacting your mental health, burnout trickles down to the quality of care patients receive. It may increase the risk of medical errors, making it essential for you to find solutions for nurse burnout. Here are seven strategies to try. As a Trustaff traveler, you have a wide range of tools and resources available to you through the Ingenovis Health ACT program that are specifically targeted to prevent and treat burnout on the job. Speak to your recruiter for details. 1. Prioritize Self-Care Practices Practicing self-care involves taking time to engage in things that promote your physical, emotional and mental well-being. It reduces burnout by keeping you connected to yourself and the things that matter most. Often, it's seen as a way to care for and nurture the inner you. Some self-care practices you should prioritize include: Eating a nutritious and balanced diet to supply sufficient energy to carry you through the day, even with crazy shifts Exercising for at least 30 minutes daily to combat work stress, improve your mood and boost physical strength Drinking a lot of water to keep every cell, organ and tissue in your body working optimally Getting at least eight hours of sleep to boost your mood, energy levels and work performance Making time for stress-reducing practices, such as mindfulness, yoga and breathing exercises to unwind and clear your mind 2. Build Support Systems When experiencing burnout, it helps to have people you can talk to. The first group of people you'll want to stick close to are your fellow nurses because they understand and can relate to what you're going through. Nursing peer support groups give you an opportunity to vent and can offer valuable advice and guidance to help you overcome burnout. Being part of a peer support group provides a sense of belonging that gives you the morale to keep going when it gets tough. Having a solid support system of friends and family who listen to your woes helps get the weight off your chest before you go in for your next shift. You can also seek support from a therapist. They'll be instrumental in assisting you in processing your feelings and resolving emotional issues before you're burned out. 3. Balance Work and Personal Life A good work-life balance can help you overcome burnout by inducing feelings of happiness and satisfaction with your life as it is. Between the crazy shifts and long working hours, many nurses often miss out on the joys of life, like spending time with family and engaging in fun leisure activities. This drives you deeper into the burnout sinkhole, especially if you feel you have no control over your schedule. If you're looking to change your environment and find a nursing position that offers greater work-life balance opportunities, consider becoming a travel nurse. The travel nurse lifestyle gives you more control over your schedule, making it easier for you to achieve a work-life balance. As a travel nurse, you decide when, where and how much you work, which allows you more time to relax outside work. 4. Continue Professional Development The most common reason people pursue professional development is to open opportunities for career progression and promotions. However, professional development will also improve your job satisfaction and reduce burnout by boosting your confidence and your skills. These opportunities also break up the repetitiveness and boredom of the job, which reenergizes your spirit and gives you more reasons to show up to work daily. Learning new skills increases your motivation to take on new challenges and build a bigger support network. Some of the professional development opportunities you can pursue include: Professional and industry-related workshops and conferences In-job training courses Online courses and webinars One-on-one coaching and mentoring sessions Team-building activities 5. Advocate for Work Environment Improvements Nurse burnout being caused by work pressures means improvements to the work environment can help provide relief. You should be confident and able to advocate for these changes with management. The leaders should acknowledge, empathize and address these concerns to make work more conducive for you and your co-workers. For example, you should speak up if you're overwhelmed with your patient-nurse ratio, discuss it with your supervisor and share viable solutions. If you've been taking on long shifts and barely getting time to sleep, bring it up with your department head or whoever's in charge of scheduling. You can also elevate the voices of other nurses who have similar concerns. Another strategy is to advocate for more opportunities to voice your concerns, such as through internal online forums and one-on-one team meetings. 6. Explore Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) Many employers, including travel nursing agencies, offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), which can help with nurse burnout. These programs are meant to support employees through work-related and personal stressors . Many EAP counselors work alongside management to help address organizational challenges. Through your organization's EAP, you can receive short-term counseling or referrals to help address burnout and your mental health. 7. Change Your Environment A change of scenery can help decrease nurse burnout because it induces feelings of freedom and adventure. Getting out of your normal routine allows you to experience new work environments with new people and challenges. As a travel nurse, you sign up for an adventurous career that will enable you to change your environment often as you temporarily work in hospitals and health facilities around the United States and internationally. You can travel for a single assignment or make it your career, in which case you get to travel to various destinations for short-term and long-term jobs. While at it, you increase your earning potential, enjoy flexible scheduling, advance your career and build your professional network . These and other perks can significantly improve your job satisfaction and reduce nurse burnout. To take care of your mental health as you travel , you can use many of these same tips. Try to move your body, find a support network and gain support through an EAP. Learn How to Reduce Nurse Burnout With Trustaff Having someone provide support as you navigate your job goes a long to helping you succeed. At Trustaff, we can help you transition into a satisfying career as a travel nurse. You'll receive competitive pay, a better work-life balance and professional development, all key ingredients to eliminating burnout. We're a travel agency that cares and puts you first, so you'll never have to be alone during your travel nursing journey. Explore the diverse opportunities and experiences we offer — if you're ready, you can apply now .

At Trustaff , we understand the unique challenges that travel nurses face, especially during the intense summer months. As the temperature rises, so do the demands on your physical and mental health. Trustaff is committed to supporting our nurses with the resources and opportunities to thrive, even in the hottest months of the year. Here are some practical tips to help you navigate the dog days of summer while maintaining your well-being and preventing burnout. Coping with Heat and Humidity Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is crucial to stay hydrated, especially during the summer. Carry a reusable water bottle and set reminders to drink water throughout the day. Adding fruits like lemon or cucumber can make hydration more enjoyable. Utilize Cooling Techniques: Use cooling accessories such as portable fans or cooling towels during your breaks. Ensure your living space remains cool by using fans or air conditioning to help you stay comfortable and focused. Managing Increased Workload and Stress Prioritize Self-Care: Making time for self-care is essential. Engage in activities that help you relax, such as reading, listening to music, or practicing mindfulness. Numerous apps are available for guided meditation and relaxation exercises that can be easily integrated into your daily routine. Stay Organized: Planning your shifts and off-duty time can help balance work and rest. Utilize organizational tools to keep track of your assignments and schedules, ensuring you have time set aside for rest and personal activities. Seek Support: Connecting with fellow travel nurses for support and advice is invaluable. Trustaff offers access to the Ingenovis Health ACT program , which provides various mental health resources and support services designed to help you manage stress and maintain your well-being. Preventing Burnout Recognize the Signs: Be aware of burnout symptoms such as exhaustion, irritability, and lack of motivation. Regularly monitoring your physical and emotional well-being is crucial for early detection and intervention. Take Breaks: Schedule regular breaks during your shifts to rest and recharge. Utilize your time off to engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. The Ingenovis Health ACT program also offers tools and resources to support your mental health, helping you stay resilient and motivated. Enjoying Summer Safely Plan Leisure Activities: Engage in enjoyable activities during your downtime, such as visiting local attractions or exploring new hobbies. Social events or community activities can also help you build connections and relax. Practice Sun Safety: Use sunscreen and wear protective clothing when spending time outdoors. Avoid peak sun hours and seek shade whenever possible to protect your skin and prevent heat-related illnesses. Maximizing Rest and Recovery Create a Relaxing Environment: Set up your living space to promote relaxation with comfortable bedding and calming décor. Establish a bedtime routine to ensure quality sleep, vital for recovery and overall well-being. Engage in Gentle Exercise: Incorporate low-impact exercises like yoga or walking into your routine to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Online resources or apps can provide guided workouts tailored to your needs. Maintaining your physical and mental health during the demanding summer months is essential for your well-being and effectiveness as a travel nurse. At Trustaff, we are dedicated to supporting you every step of the way. By implementing these strategies and leveraging the resources available through the Ingenovis Health ACT program, you can effectively navigate the dog days of summer, prevent burnout and make the most of your travel nursing assignments. Stay cool, stay hydrated and remember that Trustaff is here to help you thrive.

Many nurses work 12-hour shifts, but have you ever wondered why that arrangement is so prevalent in healthcare when eight-hour workdays are the norm in many other careers? As with any work schedule, there are potential upsides and downsides to 12-hour nursing shifts. Here's everything you should know about this option. Benefits of 12-Hour Nursing Shifts Nurses who choose 12-hour shifts can start in the morning and end in the evening, or vice versa. For example, a nurse who comes in at 7:30 a.m. would end the workday at 7:30 p.m. Nurses work 12-hour shifts because medical facilities like hospitals and assisted living communities must have around-the-clock staff availability. When the day shift ends, the night shift seamlessly begins. Let's explore some of the benefits of working 12-hour nursing shifts. Extended Time Off How many days do nurses work? Though shift schedules differ, a typical arrangement with 12-hour shift workers is to have four days on and four days off. This schedule allows nurses time to rest and recover. You can spend time with your family, run errands and focus on self-care. When it's time to return to work, you'll feel more refreshed and enthusiastic after having four days off. Increased Flexibility Nurses who have long commutes or prefer to break up their schedule will get more opportunities to pursue hobbies, education or volunteer work. You can also become more involved in your children's school, start learning a new skill or even take short day trips to nearby cities. The only limit is your imagination. Enhanced Work-Life Balance Everyone strives to achieve work-life balance in their careers. During your 12-hour shift, you can work with fewer interruptions affecting your flow, providing consistent and uninterrupted patient care. Nurses who choose longer shifts can build a better rapport with their patients and colleagues, improving health outcomes, reducing the need for frequent handoffs and potentially enhancing patient safety and satisfaction. When you are not at work, you can catch up on household responsibilities like laundry, cooking and paying bills. You can also use your downtime to look after your family, which is invaluable if you have young children. Drawbacks of 12-Hour Nursing Shifts Many nurses choose 12-hour shifts because they prefer a dependable routine that still gives them free time to focus on doing things they love. However, you should consider the possible downsides to this demanding schedule. Physical and Mental Fatigue Working 12 hours daily may make it harder for you to lead a healthy lifestyle. When you're at work, you'll have fewer chances to take moments for yourself or sit down to enjoy your food. You might grab sugary or salty snacks from a vending machine when you need to eat something quick on the run. Over time, expect more unhealthy habits like chronic sleep deprivation and fatigue. You can address these issues by exercising, eating balanced meals and relaxing on your days off, but remember — a lengthy recovery period will cut into the time you usually spend pursuing hobbies and other activities. Impact on Personal Life Many people prefer shift work because it gives them consecutive days off to spend time with friends and family. In reality, that's not always possible. If your schedule doesn't align with other people's, you may be awake when they are asleep, or they might be at school or work while you're home alone. These scheduling discrepancies can be isolating and make you feel out of sync with the rest of the world. Impact on Patient Care Beyond the effects as a nurse, what do 12-hour shifts mean for patients? Continuity of Care Working longer shifts ensures patients receive the attention they deserve. When nurses switch shifts, it can lead to errors like missed medication and failure to document symptom changes. In the worst-case scenarios, poor continuity of care can result in patient injuries and death. However, nurses who work longer shifts can devote more consistent care to their patients, increasing the likelihood of a smooth transition. Nurse Satisfaction and Retention Strategies to Mitigate the Cons Now that you know the challenges of working long shifts, what can you do to make your schedule more manageable? Prioritize Self Care Breaks give you time to refresh your mind so you have the mental and physical capacity to jump back into tasks. Even a 10-minute break will refresh you enough to give your patients the attention they need. You can eat a healthy snack, do gentle standing stretches , drink water and use the restroom. You might think you can push through and skip meals during the shift. But this is a disservice to your body, mind and patients. Focus on proper nutrition so you can maintain your stamina. Providing Support Systems Nurses need plenty of support to do such a physically and mentally demanding job. If you have a light workload, be a team player and pitch in when you see another nurse struggling. On the other hand, don't be ashamed to ask for help when you need it. Teamwork will help you build better relationships with your co-workers and boost morale by reminding everyone that you are on the same team. Are 12-Hour Nursing Shifts Right for You? As a nurse, your skills and compassion are in high demand wherever you go, giving you more freedom to work on your terms. At Trustaff, we offer opportunities to thrive in your career by combining the rewards of nursing with the adventure you can only find through travel. Broaden your horizons and accelerate your professional growth by joining our talented team. Our nursing licensure program can help you obtain a new state license and work in your dream location for the ultimate flexibility and work-life balance. If you face burnout and job dissatisfaction from the rigors of a traditional nursing schedule, learn more about high-paying travel assignments with Trustaff and find your next job today.

Are you a nurse looking for adventure, flexibility and the chance to make meaningful impact and connections in a new way? Travel nursing offers an exciting opportunity to: Explore different locations Gain diverse experiences Foster relationships with patients and colleagues worldwide Make a positive impact As a travel nurse, you can choose from various travel nursing assignments that suit your preferences and career goals. If this sounds like your ideal career, keep reading to learn about the different types of travel nurse assignments, their characteristics and how to choose the perfect travel nurse assignment for you. Short-Term Assignments Short-term nursing travel assignments are popular for nurses seeking variety and career flexibility. The shortest travel nursing assignments are as little as four weeks long, while six- and eight-week assignments are slightly more common. The standard length of a short-term travel nursing assignment is 13 weeks, which is ideal to settle down, explore and enjoy a new location without committing to staying. A short travel nurse assignment length means you’ll be rapidly immersed in a new work environment and be asked to adapt quickly. You’ll get exposed to diverse patient cases and healthcare teams and learn new skills fast. The advantages of short-term assignments are: Variety and flexibility in work settings and locations, especially in four-week travel nurse assignments The opportunity to travel and explore new places, especially with six-week travel nurse assignments A diverse nursing experience The chance to meet new people and expand your professional network, with 13-week assignments providing ample time to get to know your coworkers However, short-term assignments bring a few challenges: Frequent adjustments to new work environments and protocols Less time to develop deep connections with colleagues and patients Potential for gaps between assignments Long-Term Assignments Long-term travel nursing assignments typically last 13 weeks more, with some extending up to 26 weeks or even a year. The longer travel nurse job length allows for a more in-depth experience and the chance to truly become part of a healthcare team . Long-term nursing assignments have several benefits, including: More time to build relationships with patients and colleagues The opportunity to fully immerse yourself in a new location Greater stability and predictability in your work schedule Potential for assignment extensions and permanent positions High likelihood of benefits such as housing stipends or completion bonuses They also have some drawbacks, such as: Less variety in work settings and locations compared to short-term assignments Longer commitments that limit flexibility to pursue other opportunities Possible challenges detaching and moving back home once the assignment is complete Crisis Assignments During times of heightened need, crisis travel nurse assignments provide critical support to healthcare facilities and communities in need. Crisis assignments may arise during pandemics, disease outbreaks and staffing shortages due to unexpected events and emergencies. These nurses can also provide assistance after natural disasters, such as hurricanes, wildfires and earthquakes. Crisis travel nursing assignments are a type of short-term assignment. The main advantages of crisis travel nurse assignments are: The opportunity to provide relief and support during times of crisis Potential for higher pay rates due to urgent staffing needs The chance to develop emergency response and critical care skills Exposure to unique healthcare situations Disadvantages of crisis assignments include: Unpredictable and potentially stressful work environments Longer shifts and overtime hours Limited time for preparation and orientation Seasonal Assignments Seasonal travel nurse assignments cater to fluctuating healthcare needs throughout the year, such as flu season, holiday-related or tourist season staffing shortages. These assignments offer the chance to provide essential support during peak demand periods. Depending on the season, they can last for four to 13 weeks. The advantages of seasonal travel nursing assignments include: Predictable demand for nursing services, meaning you can plan ahead to take assignments during a specific period The opportunity to experience different locations during peak seasons Potential for competitive pay rates due to high demand The chance to develop specialized skills related to seasonal healthcare needs Seasonal assignments also have a few disadvantages, including: Assignments in high demand, as many nurses can plan ahead and request them Low availability for competitive locations Increased workload and patient volume during peak seasons Possible challenges in securing housing International Assignments International travel nursing assignments are typically long-term, ideal for adventurous nurses who want to combine their passion for travel with their nursing career. These assignments offer a unique opportunity to experience diverse healthcare systems and cultures. Popular destinations for international travel nursing assignments include Australia, the Caribbean Islands, the United Arab Emirates, Ireland and cruise ships. The pros of international assignments are: Immersive cultural experiences and the chance to explore new countries Exposure to diverse healthcare systems and practices Personal and professional growth through international experiences Potential for competitive compensation packages and travel benefits The chance to make a positive impact on underserved communities While they’re lucrative, international travel nursing assignments have some cons: The challenges of adapting to new healthcare regulations and protocols Language and cultural barriers Additional licensing and certification requirements Potential visa requirements Distance from family and friends How to Qualify for Travel Nursing Assignments Qualifying for travel nursing assignments requires a combination of education, experience and professional credentials. Whether you’re a seasoned nurse looking for a career change or a recent college grad eager to explore the world while growing your career, meeting the necessary qualifications is essential to securing your desired travel nurse assignment . 1. Education and Licensure Before you can become a travel nurse, you must complete an accredited nursing program and obtain a nursing degree. The most common pathways include earning an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). Either degree will qualify you for travel nursing, but some healthcare facilities only take nurses with a BSN. After finishing your nursing education, you must pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to obtain your registered nurse (RN) license. The RN license is a fundamental requirement for all travel nursing assignments. Some states participate in the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), which allows nurses to practice in multiple states with a single license. If your desired assignment is in a noncompact state, you may need to obtain a separate license for that particular state. International travel nursing assignments may require additional certifications, licenses and qualifications to allow you to work in the country of your choice. 2. Clinical Experience Travel nursing assignments often require a certain level of clinical experience. Many travel nursing companies and healthcare facilities need at least one to two years of recent, relevant clinical experience in your specialty area. This experience ensures your ability to provide quality patient care, adapt to new environments and work efficiently in a team setting. You can gain clinical experience by working in a hospital, clinic or other healthcare setting. Focus on building a strong foundation in your chosen specialty, as this will make you more competitive for travel nursing assignments. Seek opportunities to expand your skills, such as working in different units or participating in professional development courses. 3. Specialty Certifications While not always required, specialty certifications can greatly enhance your qualifications for travel nursing assignments. These certifications demonstrate your expertise and commitment to a specific area of nursing, such as critical care, emergency nursing or pediatrics. Obtaining specialty certifications can make you a more desirable applicant, particularly for assignments in high-demand or specialized units. To pursue specialty certification, you typically must meet specific eligibility criteria, such as having minimum clinical experience in the specialty area and passing a certification area. Some common certifications for travel nurses include: Critical Care Registered Nurse (CCRN) Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) Trauma Nurse Core Course (TNCC) Research the certifications relevant to your specialty and consider investing and effort in obtaining them to boost your travel nursing qualifications. 4. Professional References and Background Checks As part of the qualification process for travel nursing assignments, you’ll need to provide professional references and undergo background checks. Maintain positive relationships with your colleagues, supervisors and other healthcare professionals, as they can provide valuable references when you’re applying for travel nursing positions. Travel nursing agencies and healthcare facilities will also conduct thorough background checks to ensure patient safety and compliance with regulations . These inspections may include criminal background checks, drug screenings and verification of your education, licensure and employment history. Maintain a clean professional record and be transparent about potential issues that may arise during the background check process. 5. Flexibility and Adaptability While not a formal qualification, flexibility and adaptability are key traits that can make you a successful travel nurse. Travel nursing assignments often involve working in new environments, collaborating with different healthcare teams and adapting to varying patient populations and protocols. Demonstrating your ability to embrace change, think on your feet and maintain a positive attitude can set you apart as a strong applicant for travel nursing opportunities. How to Choose a Travel Nursing Assignment Choosing the right travel nurse assignment involves considering various factors that align with your personal and professional goals. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind: 1. Nursing Specialty and Skill Set Consider assignments that match your area of expertise and allow you to use and expand your nursing skills. Look for opportunities that provide exposure to new techniques, technologies or patient populations within your specialty. 2. Location and Lifestyle Preferences Think about the geographical location and lifestyle you desire during your assignment. Consider factors such as climate, urban or rural setting, proximity to attractions or outdoor activities and cost of living. Choose locations that align with your interests and preferences. 3. Assignment Duration and Timing Determine which travel nurse job length suits your needs and availability. When selecting assignment durations, consider commitments in your personal life, such as family obligations or planned vacations. Be mindful of travel nurse rules or requirements regarding consecutive assignments or time off between assignments. 4. Facility Type and Patient Population Research the healthcare facilities and patient populations you’ll work with during your assignment. Think about the type of facility, such as a teaching hospital, community clinic or specialized unit, and the demographics of the patient population. Ensure the assignment aligns with your clinical interests and experience. 5. Compensation and Benefits Evaluate the compensation package, including hourly pay rates, housing stipends, travel reimbursements and any additional benefits such as health insurance or retirement funding. Compare offerings from different travel nursing companies and assignments to ensure fair and competitive compensation. 6. Company Reputation and Support Choose a reputable travel nursing company that provides comprehensive support throughout your assignment. Look for companies with responsive communication, experienced recruiters and a track record of placing nurses in high-quality facilities. Look at the company’s support services, such as housing assistance, clinical liaison and mental health support facilities . Find Your Ideal Travel Nursing Assignment With Trustaff Exploring the types of travel nursing assignments available allows you to craft a nursing career that aligns with your personal and professional aspirations. Whether you thrive on the excitement of short-term nursing travel assignments, prefer the stability of long-term placements or seek the fulfillment of specialized or international experiences, there’s a travel nurse assignment for you. As you embark on your travel nursing journey, remember to prioritize your well-being , embrace growth opportunities and make meaningful connections with patients and colleagues along the way. With the right mindset and support, travel nursing is an incredibly rewarding and enriching career. Trustaff is dedicated to helping you find the perfect travel nurse assignment that matches your skills, preferences and career goals. Our experienced team is here to guide you through the process, provide personalized support and ensure you have access to top-notch facilities and competitive benefits. Are you ready to start your travel nursing adventure? Explore Trustaff’s current travel nurse job openings and take the first step towards an exciting and fulfilling nursing career. Join us today and positively impact patient lives while experiencing the joys of travel nursing. For any questions about our services and offerings, send us a message or call 877-625-1840.

The deadline to apply for a 2024 scholarship from Ingenovis Health, a leader in healthcare talent solutions, is fast approaching on July 23. This program, which began in 2023, exemplifies Ingenovis Health's dedication to the growth and education of healthcare professionals. As part of the Ingenovis Health family of brands, Trustaff is proud to spotlight this incredible opportunity for our community of healthcare professionals. With a total of $100,000 available, the scholarship program aims to support 25 deserving students across four specialized categories. Scholarship Program Overview The 2024 Ingenovis Health Scholarship Program is structured around four fundamental categories to address the diverse needs of the student community: The Ingenovis Health Graduate Nursing Student Scholarship: For MSN, DNP, or PhD students focusing on leadership and scholarly excellence in nursing. The Ingenovis Allied Health Professional Scholarship: Supporting aspiring allied health professionals in their educational pursuits. The Ingenovis Health Veteran Nursing Student Scholarship : Dedicated to military veterans embarking on a nursing career. The Ingenovis Health Undergraduate Nursing Student Scholarship: For students pursuing their undergraduate degree in nursing. Applications for the 2024 scholarships will be accepted through July 23, 2024. The selection process, managed by a third-party administrator, The University Network , ensures a fair and comprehensive review of all candidates. Scholarship recipients will be announced in August, with awards supporting their Fall 2024 semester. Each of the 25 scholarships, valued at up to $5,000, is designed to offset the recipients' educational expenses. Trustaff recognizes the importance of supporting our healthcare professionals at every stage of their careers. The Ingenovis Health Scholarship Program is a testament to our commitment to enriching the healthcare workforce and supporting the educational aspirations of healthcare students nationwide. For more information about the 2024 Ingenovis Health Scholarship Program and application instructions, visit Don't miss this opportunity to further your education and advance your career—apply today!

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