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#TrustaffTraveler/Quarterly Traveler Photo Contest

#TrustaffTraveler Photo Contest

Congratulations to last quarter’s winners

1st quarter winners: Katie S.

AimiCare & ACT

Katie S. spent quarter 1 on assignment in Arizona and Tennessee. In her downtime, she went on numerous trips and visits to various state and national parks all over the US! She had many great entries including the above photos of skiing in Flagstaff, visiting the famous Upper Antelope Canyon and taking a trip to Mexico to go off-roading. We think it's super cool that she is out adventuring with her mom!

A big congrats to Katie on her Q1 photo contest win.

Quarter 2 of a brand new year is rolling out now - be sure to tag your photos with #TrustaffTraveler to enter.

Join our Quarterly Photo Contest

Life on the road presents its own unique adventures and challenges. Who better to share it with than other people who know exactly what you’re going through? Your Trustaff support team is always here to listen, and we love sharing in your journey.

Our quarterly traveler photo contest is one of our longest-running Trustaff traditions. Subjects can be anything from the beautiful sunset over the ocean to the unique details discovered on your daily walk or your favorite furry friend. If you did it, we want to see it!

Winners are announced at the end of each quarter and receive a $100 gift card!

How to enter

Join our community of fellow travelers by following @TrustaffTravel on Instagram and then share your photos by tagging them with #TrustaffTraveler. It's our favorite way to see your adventures. (Important tip: If your Instagram profile is private, be sure to add @TrustaffTravel as a friend and send your entry as a direct message!)

You can also send your photos directly to your recruiter. Make sure you tell us where you are and what you were doing when the photo was taken!

*Please note: By submitting a photo to the Trustaff Quarterly Photo Contest, you grant permission for Trustaff to reproduce any portion of the photo submitted that was taken by you for the purpose of internal and external general promotion which can include but is not limited to: social media reposts, banners, slides, advertisements, and appearing on this website. Trustaff will never resell your photo or release your photo in any manner that would exploit or cause malicious representation, and does not claim creative ownership of your photo.*

3 girls taking selfie on a hikenatural stone archway on a beach